United States. 2004 – present
PLEASE ONLY SEND DEMOS via STREAMING LINKS (i.e. Soundcloud, Dropbox, Wetransfer, etc)...mp3 attachments will be immediately DELETED!
DVR will bring you the best of tradition and technology all in one place. Not bound by limitations of creativity or originality, but adhering to the basic elements of dance and beyond, our artists create the best underground music that is both listenable and danceable . . . In other words, it's easy on the ears and devastating on the dancefloor!
Past, Present and Future = DigitalVinylRecordings.com.
Feel free to enjoy the music to the fullest...but PLEASE support the artists and DJs...Get your friends to buy a copy, not copy/download yours! PEACE!
Deep House,
General contact:
[email protected]
Demo email to A&R:
[email protected]
Booking artists:
[email protected]